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Journal Entries 

1st) Initial thoughts 10/6/20

To be completely honest, I haven’t really thought much about my ignite project and what the end result will look like. I am very interested and passionate about being creative. So far, I have two main ideas; the first idea is creating a massive piece of art, I could buy a white canvas and either draw or paint a big picture. It could be a portrait, a landscape or a recreation of another artwork/style. My second idea, which I feel like I would really enjoy is to make my own jewellery. I know a girl last year that made her own jewellery, and it would be a big challenge as I have never tried this before. It would cost a lot of money as I would have to buy the right tools and materials and I would have to teach myself how to. Presently, the jewellery idea is most appealing to me, I think it is just a matter of getting materials and tools and learning how to make jewellery.



2nd) Halfway through my ignite project 13/9/20

The three-week holidays have just started and although we are stuck at home, it still gives me a lot of time to work on my ignite. So far, I have created some artwork that I am really proud of but I have only done grey lead drawings and watercolour and I want to explore acrylic. That way I can say that I have covered a total of 3 different types of art styles. For my acrylic painting, I want to either do a sunset or a night sky/galaxy. I am leaning towards painting a galaxy because I have a wider range of colours that would be used to represent a night sky like blacks and blues. I know that the lockdown effected a lot of other’s people’s ignite project but it didn’t really affect mine, I am still able to produce the same amount of work as I would have at school, maybe even more. As the resources I need are at home anyways. I haven’t really had that much difficulty so far and I am looking forward to presenting my work to my fellow teachers and classmates.  




3rd) End of Ignite 20/10/20

Tomorrow is the final submission for ignite and it has gone so fast! I have decided to present my work on a website and I am really proud of the way it has turned out, I think it looks really professional and portrays my work to a great extent. That saying, I have documented 6 artworks, covering 3 different styles and although I didn’t initially plan on ending it like this, I am still so proud of myself for being able to create these pieces of art. Ignite has been such a fun and challenging experience and I enjoyed every moment of it, it gave me the opportunity to do something I love and produce work that I am proud of and I am really looking forward to showing my teachers and students my hard work.

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